Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Updates (Oct 27 & 28) so far

Well... quick update...
Chris had lung and heart tests for pre transplant stuff
(Pulmonary Function and mugascan) Heart is great...

Bone marrow biopsy was yesterday
Those results dictate whether we move forward with bone marrow biopsy asap OR if we can do something in between or what... probably the most stressful days of this whole process

Around mid-day Dr came in to check in and said they still didnt have results on the bone marrow biopsy but that they should be end of afternoon (which is now)

Dr Strair is supposedly coming by after clinicals (which we are anxiously awaiting) its 5pm
So, I could be updating this in an hour...
and we having been praying harder and harder... this is going to tell us if we can proceed with transplant...

Chris had an emotional day.. and our chaplin Sharon who we love love love and have known since June had a long session with us today and prayed with us

Filled with anxiety and still praying...
love you all

Oh, Matt (Chris' brother) is on his way down in about an hour which will be great.. havent seen him since August... And Christine Rapach is stopping by to keep us company too and bring Chris coffee...

thanks to all of you who call and write...
I will update as soon as we get info on next steps .... ughhhhhh