Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday- back to work

I woke up this morning and stopped at the hospital to see Chris on my way to work

Nancy is his nurse today-- we love Nancy

I am told he spiked a fever... ugh
They do more cultures
Chris is emotional and scared.. he hates dealing with these ups and downs... cant blame him.. its gotta suck

I go to work and then after work I go back to hang out with him.. I am off tomorrow (Tuesday - its Veterens Day)
There is a bacteria they found in his line... Its common from what i am told.. so they added another antibiotic... He is in better spirits...
They also added another anti-diareaha medicine to his meds... His night nurse is Tanya again :)
She gave him his anti-diareaha cocktail.. its opium... go figure... it smells like licorice... but chris says it tastes nasty

I am sleeping here tonight... off tomorrow ;) goodnight