Thursday, October 30, 2008

Quick Update

Today was pretty average, in the world of hospital/leukemia-ville
Chris started his chemo... they did his spinal tap today... that went well.. he slept a lot while i was at work

Lets see.. they gave him a calendar of chemo and non-chemo days which is new... they never layed it out like that before.. now we know exactly when he will get what

We saw Dr Strair this morning, bright and early... He checked in and will be going to a conference in DC this weekend... He will be talking to colleagues about Chris.. thats a good thing, right? A new crew comes in for November.. that means new residents and fellow and Doc in charge ... Dr Harrison I think.. Strair says he has a good sense of humor.. so that will be nice

Oh, side note... I walked around the parking deck this morning at the hospital.. for like 10 minutes... looking for my car... turns out i originally went to the right level and area but it was hiding behind a big huge SUV... i was so mad... what a way to start a morning...

Ok, so I get to the hospital after work tonight and Chris is sporting his new Hawaiian shirt... he looks well rested and happy...
Thats new new thing... he is gonna try to lighten the mood around here with Hawaiian shirts ... thats Chris! now i have to keep my eye out for them since they are out of season... lol I also brought halloween candy here... he wants to have it out for the nurses..
Aunt Ro and Uncle Les's balloons are still staying up... so its festive in here.. Can you believe its Halloween tomorrow? Ahh... so Chris decides to tell me all casually an hour or more after I got here today that the priest showed up... (FYI Chris was baptized but his mom was not Catholic and his stepdad and siblings are all Catholic... basically Chris never got all his sacraments... but he now considers himself Catholic but not "officially")-- anyways.. the priest came and turns out his grandma Phyllis on his step-dad's side wrote the priest a letter about Chris... the Robert wood hospital priest somehow knows his grandma.. Grandma has always wanted Chris fully in the church,,, she sends her love and prayers weekly these days (via US Mail) Well Chris told the priest he wanted to be fully Catholic and was interested in the process.. and the priest did a confession and then gave him Eucharist and confirmed him... all done.. just like that... big news to tell me all casually... well thats about it.. i think... tomorrow i have to be in trenton by 830am for a college job fair at the college of new jersey... Feel free to call me or text me.. or call chris or text him.. if he isnt napping he is always up for calls and company... I think we are seeing Jeanie and Gina this weekend... so far thats the tentative lineup.. plus my brother is always around every other day or so... love you all xoxox keep the prayers coming