Sunday, December 7, 2008

Nausia Begins... Grrr

Chris woke up this morning... called me (I slept home) and told me he was ok but had a fever in the middle of the night... 102 or so
But it broke by 6am or so
He told me he was about to get his last chemo. Jen was getting that ready for him (Anne is prego, so cannot give chemo)
I asked if he wanted me to make homemade food.. he said that sounded good.. so I made a big pot of macaroni and cheese... He said he could go for starbucks hot chocolate so my dad drove me to the hospital and we stopped at Starbucks...
jeanie drove me home last night and I left my car at robert wood..
We went to houlihans last night for my birthday outing.. and we hung out with chris.. and now i was able to go home to sleep without having to drive...
Anyways, my dad dropped me off today around 130pm.. and Chris was having the nausia hit pretty bad,,, he was very sleepy cus the Zofran and Compazine wasnt doing enough so he got Ativan... but no appetite :( so the mac & cheese went in the fridge ... and he took a few sips of hot chocolate. poor chris....
We watched football today and chilled...
We found out they are doing an ecco cardiogram tomorrow (not sure how that is spelled) to check his heart (like an ultrasound of heart) they want to make sure they arent overlooking anything because his heartrate has been a little elevated and when he gets up or moves it goes up a little more
They are also testing a thyroid because apparently there is a hormone that if it is low could make the heartrate high... and that hormone could have been affected by all the chemo and whatnot he has had... so they are just checking everything.. they dont want his heart working any harder than it has to and they want to make sure there is not something wrong that is being overlooked...
Tomorrow, they start immunosupressants (totally spelled that wrong too)
And we are getting closer and closer to transplant...

It is now 830pm... Chris is still unsettled.. They decided today to start him on round the clock zofran and compazine for nausia.. gives him a baseline.. Ativan is on order whenever he has breakthru nausia.. he barely ate his pb&j dinner.. so he just asked for ativan and will attempt to eat some more before bed.. we are going to watch the redskins game for a bit... hoping they lose because Dallas lost :( and can you believe the damn Eagles won?!?!? booo
He told the nurse he would fight the ativan and stay awake but it looks like ativan is winning.. he is sleepy...

Until later...
xoxoxox jenn