Monday, November 3, 2008

Monday November 3rd

I wake up at home early... and I get ready for work
I go see Chris at the hospital first.. he is still sleepy and feeling icky
I go to work...
Around mid-day I get a call from his nurse that he had fallen :(
He hit his head and they did a cat scan... ugh....
Poor Chris.. he wasnt even aware that he had gotten up without calling for help
Throughout the day, they collected another stool sample
Chris had a bad day.. sounded sad, bummed, frustrated, etc
SO, I went home after work, showered, grabbed work clothes just in case.... and I headed to hospital
Chris doesnt look bruised like I feared but he is sooo uncomfortable...
THey moved him to the middle of the floor by the nurses' desk so they can keep a better eye on him...
He just wants the cramping tummy to stop and he wants the diareaha to stop
The night nurse changes his thigh bandage and there is so much damn tape that it rips hair off.. he is freaking
Then I found out that they biopsied his jock itch during the day.. she had to clean it and it burns like hell.. they had scraped some off during the day.. its raw.. and I feel so bad for him...
THen the anti-nausia meds arent helping.. he hasnt eaten
Finally, he eats half of a pb & j sandwich my mom made at home... tried some tea...
Then, he needs the bathroom.. its so painful... the strong tech helps him walk and all that...
He is finally having some relief... then the cramping and discomfort come back...
They give him his dilaudid and he is feeling better
Oh, did I mention his new cell came in the mail today? he is excited about that
Lew has safely landed in NJ and will be visiting tomorrow (Tuesday)
I am sleeping at the hospital to keep an eye on Chris... Not sure how early I will leave tomorrow cus I have to vote but we will see
Prayers again tonight
PS Thanks to Aunt Cathy for the Boosts, to Jeanie, Brian, Liv, Mr and Mrs Cody for the Starbucks gift card.. that will come in so handy for Chris's addiction... to Carol for the healing mass... to Christine for dinner and cookies.. and everyone else who has been sending cards and stuff.... love you all...

Sunday November 2nd

I woke up at home.. very well rested
And, got myself together... showered..
My dad wanted to see Chris, so he brought my mom with him even though she was going to go later with my cousin Gina...
So, I stopped at Starbucks, the usual...
Chris was getting cleaned up by the awesome nurse he had - Sonya.. she is actually from the Cancer Institute.. she works with Dr Strair... she cleaned him... re-bandaged the biopsyed area on his thigh... and his groin irritation (jock itch)...
Mom, dad, and me hung with him for a while..
Then, they left and Chris and I relaxed....
Christine Rabbath came by.. she took me to lunch and we stopped to get Chris lunch on the way home...
However, Chris started with some major diareaha (sorry for the details) Its most likely from chemo... he is now unsettled... But he manages to eat half his lunch/dinner
Christine also baked him cookies... her recipe... he LOVED them
So now he has his own batch yummmy...
They cannot give him Immodium because they have to test the stool to make sure he doesnt have C-Diff... ugh
anyways, christine and my bro eventually lose... my dallas cowboys lose to the giants.. i am depressed...
Chris is sleepy again at a pretty early time...
He feels crappy from the diareaha.. I decide I should go home and rest at home for the night so he can rest too..
The night nurse comes.. she wont give him his Ativan and Dilaudid cus its too early or his bp is too low for both... Chris is annoyed.. she has to wait til 930 or so to come back with his night pills.. its only 730 or 8 pm and he wants to sleep
Eventually, he relaxes and I leave
Jeanie gets me Starbucks and comes over to hang with me...
Chris calls me to tell me he got a text from his brother Lew's girlfriend Jen... he thinks they are engaged...
So, he it too loopy to call and find out... he told me he had gotten up and needed meds so they finally gave them to him...
I texted Jen and Lew finally proposed after having the ring since June!!!
Yay!!! There will be 2 Jennifer Waxmonskys
Lew is flying to NJ to see Chris tomorrow (Monday)
I get a good nights rest.....