Friday, November 14, 2008


Well, I woke up at the hospital today and started working from here... Except then my VPN to get onto work computer remotely would not work .. So I hung out at hospital doing the paperwork stuff I had with me... and waited...

Doctors came to see him as usual... Chris was feeling better...
He was allowed to eat real food today. not liquids... FOOD

His taste buds arent back to normal but he ate...
His sugar was really low this morning (probably cus he hadnt eaten yet and they took him off IV food) so they made him eat candy and drink juice
Then his blood pressure was up which is weird for him...

The priest, Fr Joe came with more scriptures... Sharon, the chaplain came too.... She always makes us feel better

THey gave Chris platelets... and we were still waiting for results

Finally, at 4pm, transport comes to get him to take him for his port to be re-done.. I went down with them and then when they were ready to take him in, I went back up to his room to wait...

Who did I run into on my way to Chris's room? Yes, Dr Strair... My heart sank into my belly...
Was I ready for this alone?
He said he was looking for Chris and that he wasnt there (obviously)
Well... he told me that the preliminary bone marrow results look good...
He said we would have final next week but that the marrow is definitely improved since last time... he said we should be moving into transplant next...
Monday, Jackie will be calling to work out scheduling the donor...
and, he also commented on the growths on Chris's legs being shrunk or gone...
So, he seemed pleased
He will be back to see Chris Monday...
He said Chris should be discharged by the end of the week (so, 5-7 days from now) - we just have to keep up with physical therapy and getting Chris walking on his own.. his legs are still so weak
and I asked him when he would be coming back for transplant.. He said aside from making sure that the donor is available, about 2-3 weeks.. Chris needs to recover a bit at home from last chemo and infection
I thanked him... and walked back to Chris's room.. I was majorly relieved...
What a long 2 days
Now, I had to sit and wait for Chris to come back.... I was freaking out with this good news.. I made Chris's bed and cleaned up and then he came back... he was so relieved also

Then, I took a walk to get myself dinner and he ordered
We ate together.... Chris' taste buds are still weird...

I am going to go home tonight to sleep... and will be back in the morning to see Chris..
IT should be a good weekend

Thanks for all the prayers.. and keep praying... we have one more huge hurdle to get past

until tomorrow,
xoxox Jenn