Saturday, December 6, 2008

Saturday Day " -5" 1 more day of chemo

Well, last night (friday night) Chris spiked a slight fever... 100.4

I think I told you that last night..

But then later on his heartrate was up to 180!! They were concerned... hooked him up to the monitor... and asked if he was anxious or anything...

Doc came in... suggested fever could cause that... and that he might be dehydrated... because they did an EKG also and that looked fine. They want to keep an eye on it.. but after they gave him Tylennol and fluids last night, his heartrate went down to normal...

Nina was his nurse after 11pm... Between her and Carol, they were checking on Chris and then his heart rate went down to normal, although still higher than normal but it was normal for Chris all week...

I slept at the hospital since it was late now and i was tired...
Saturday morning I went home and ran errands with my mom..
Chris and parents went to see Chris... and I got there a little later

Today, Anne was his nurse. She is due in a few weeks and this is her last weekend working
They said that all day his heartrate was good.. between 105 and 125 or so... and his temp is 99... so we are good..
They gave him red blood today
That makes him sleepy

Last night, Asante was his nurse for a few hours before Nina got in.. She saw me today and printed out the list of all the medicines Chris is on... and when he gets them.. she remembered I asked about antibiotics... i thought that was so sweet.. she remembered and went over it with me...
Now I know exactly what times things are due.. although i have to fish through some of the jargon i dont understand... and it also says what he will be getting 30 minutes before transplant (infusion) etc...

TOmorrow is his last day of chemo...
Dr Aisner is on this weekend and saw Chris today... he explained that anything could cause the fever he had.. it could be a pimple and then he gets a fever.. all because his immune system is becomming so suppresed... They are continuing to monitor.. so far all his cultures have come back negative... and they arent sure what was up with the heartrate last night.. but they are watching... and the infectious disease docs are involved for antibiotics monitoring...

Tonight, Jeanie is meeting me here to see Chris and to take me out for my birthday.. I still cannot believe i am 29.. but its about time i go out and celebrate it...

Talk to ya all tomorrow
xoxox Jenn