Hi everyone. I am going to take you back to the beginning. Some of you know more than others, so this is just so everyone can be on the same page. (Note: unless otherwise noted, Jenn is the narrator of these blogs)
Chris and I have basically been attached at the hip since we first met. I don't know if I really believed in love at first sight, but I do now.
Chris and I have basically been attached at the hip since we first met. I don't know if I really believed in love at first sight, but I do now.
Chris and I met online... we talked for a couple weeks... and he finally talked me into meeting....
On our first date, Chris noticed that my one headlight was out when I pulled in. (I did not believe him). We joke about it now "You had me from your headlight is out" but its pretty true. The whole world seemed to disappear around us on that night. The rest is pretty much history. Everything about Chris felt perfect. Comfort from Day 1. Needless to say, you can guess who replaced my headlight that upcoming weekend, along with the other lights. I spent a lot of time in Plainsboro with him very quickly. We actually went vacuum shopping on our 2nd date (after dinner) and it was fun...
My brother Chris (yea, same name, of course) approved of Chris pretty quickly. We were at dinner at the Sherban Diner one night... and they had a pretty intense conversation where they realized they had a lot in common. I mostly remember that their love of cheese sealed the deal. It sounds funny... but this is sorta a direct quote. haha
What else? Chris had 2 cats when I met him. I am (was) severely allergic to cats. I become a frequent popper of Zyrtec. We had some fun times at Seasons with Christine, volleyball game, going out to Rod's for his birthday, Chickee and Pete's in Bordentown, hanging with Jeanie and Liv, meeting Christine & Mike's entire Rabbath family, lots of trips to diners, Target, BJs, normal stuff, but we always enjoyed time with each other, etc etc...
We had some challenges. Chris was going through a divorce when I met him. On top of sudden divorce-related expenses, Chris was having bouts with severe tendinitis. We considered moving in together. Luckily, that did not work out. Eventually he decided he would move out of Plainsboro to make ends meet. He found a place in Edison to be closer to me- sharing an apartment with a hairdresser who was renting out her 2nd bedroom.
June 1st, my brother and I helped Chris move. My parents agreed to let Rex (the 1 yr old cat) move in with me and my family as long as my dad did not have bad allergic reactions to the cat. His other cat, Tigger, moved back with Chris's ex-- she was originally her cat anyways. My allergies to cats seemed to disappear by this time anyways. Very odd. But, I do not even need allergy medicine around Rex. He cured me ;)
Chris's back was pretty screwed up the day we moved. I remember feeling so bad for him because I was trying to move stuff that wasnt as heavy... but he lived on the 3rd floor... Thats a lot of stairs after a while...
By June 5th, he was feeling a little better, except for a weird twinge that went down his leg when he picked up a box of tile at work. Later that night, we went to the Tim McGraw concert. By the end of the night (the concert was amazing), Chris's body wasn't feeling right. We got back to my house, went to bed. The next day was Friday ....
The attached photo is from the Tim McGraw concert
well, now I know how you met!
i love this photo of the two of you. Chris, sorry you had to meet my whole family at once ;) but now you know us all!
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