Thursday, November 13, 2008

Big Day... Feeling Better... Biopsy Done...

Well, I woke up at the hospital.. Chris is feeling better...
Tanya said goodbye :( Won't see her til Monday or Tuesday...
Tatiana is on again for the day...

I hang out with Chris in the morning til its time for me to go to work
Dr Hart of Infectious Diseases comes in... examines belly... says he feels much improved down there

I leave for work.... Chris calls me and tells me that Dr Strair came with Dr Harrison today...
They are doing the bone marrow biopsy today. Tomorrow, we should have preliminary results...
Ahhhh stress...
They are feeling confident... Chris is feeling much better... belly hurts less... Physical therapy is happening... fever is gone...

He also tells me that his triple lumen port thingy is leaking.. they are going to have to do a new one....

After work, I ran some errands for Chris... and went home to freshen up...
Meanwhile, my brother came to hang out with Chris around 5 or so... he was here for a few hours while i was still running around..
Oh, side note, my brother somehow ate a peanut accidentally this morning... it was an oat bar, but musta been made on a machine that processes nuts... he called me this morning and WAS going to go to the ER.. he was swollen and icky... but, he decided to go home and take benedryl cus he didnt want to wind up with a $100 co pay from ER visit... ugh i coulda smacked him. luckily he is ok.. but anyways...

So, they started an IV in Chris's hand so that they can still give him fluids... Dr Thomas (3rd year resident) came in and checked out the port. She removed the port so he doesnt get an infection.. he will get the new port tomorrow.. we have Isabel again tonight... Chris is feeling good... he didnt need as much dilaudid today and physical therapy is going well...

Tomorrow, I am working from the hospital because Dr Strair will be coming again and because we will be waiting for the bone marrow biopsy results... ahhhh... We are going to learn a lot tomorrow about next steps... all depends on the results...

So, please keep Chris and everyone around here (doctors, donor, etc...) in your prayers... We need them tonight and tomorrow... Chris is very overewhelmed... I am so anxious...
More to follow tomorrow
xoxox Jenn

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