Monday, December 1, 2008

Sunday Nov 30th

Chris and I woke up.. it was raining.. there was a bit of snow on the ground...

Today was the day we were going to get to the shore... He hadnt seen the water all summer...

Well Chris wanted to take me out for my birthday since he isnt going to be home for it..
So, we invite my parents and we take off...

Chris and I went to Rod's in Sea Girt for his birthday in april... so we go there again for mine...
Its still pouring.. My dad drops us off and I help Chris out of the car... to the side walk... and on the curb.... and he falls to his knee... ughhhh
Poor Chris.. it was pooring... i get him up.. my parents run over and we help him walk under the awning...
His knee hurts :( we slowly get up the stairs.. his pants are wet.. we are all a lil wet
Thank goodness I brought the oxycodone with me.. He pops 2... we have a very nice meal

Then, we leave, carefully and start driving towards spring lake... and we pull over by the water.. the waves are huge.. water is looking fierce... we pull over by a ramp and mini pavillion..
We get out of the car and help chris with the walker up the ramp to see the water closer... take a few pics... and after freezing, we get back in the car... more wet... but the heat is on and we are on our way home

We get home.. his knee feels awful... apply heating pad... take more oxy when he is due... and we hang out... Jeanie and Olivia visit for a lil while... Chris was very happy to see Liv... he wont see her til he is back home and he adores her... She is soo sweet... she asks how he is feeling when she comes in.... Eventually go upstairs to bed.. and neither of us want to go to bed..
Knowing what he is facing Monday, keeps Chris from wanting to sleep.. plus he is not tired...
We sleep .. but not much.. Chris was up a lot more than I was...

Monday is almost here... I will post beach pics as soon as I get them off Chris's phone

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